i'm loading up on the blogs today because I was inspiried on my drive home. Inspired meaning, I had a hard day and was thinking about all the ridiculous things about my job.
Everyone has hard days. I know that. I get it. I am normal. (I'm normal, I'm normal, I'm normal...)
I got an email from my friend today talking about how she'd cried on her jobsite. In my head I said, "oh yah, that's happened to me before. It's been awhile. I guess, though I'm stressed, I'm learning how to do this thing."
.... 10 minutes pass. I send an email back saying "yah, work is super busy right now. Yuck".
Enter phone call from a disgruntled subcontractor on top of my 1:00pm deadline.
The last time I cried on my jobsite, I was having a personally hard day and, coupled with frustrations at my jobsite, I burst into tears in front of ten scaffold erectors. It was over two years ago.
Today, my subcontractor accused me of dirty dealings. I knew I hadn't done what he said I did. And I don't know if he understood the whole story. But I was so overwhelmed with all the other work i had to do, I wasn't going to stand for someone being grouchy. So I argued with him, and then I burst into tears. I think he knew after the long pause that I was emotional.
Upon return to my nornally scheduled programming (procurement log, folks), my boss asked for an update on the conversation. I couldn't answer, I was so frustrated, and beat up. I couldn't answer and thus, burst into tears again.
My boss kindly ushered me into our break room where he offered me a turkey sandwich, over which I told him of my woes, and of the mean subcontractor. He said we could invite them over for a discussion and fix it all tomorrow. I sat chomping on my sandwich like it was my long lost security blanket.
(I'm not even PMSing folks- the guy was really hard on me!)
We all cry at work sometimes. Usually its a combination of many factors. And usually, it comes upon me without much notice, like in the middle of the phone call today. We are all, just.... normal.
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